
Friday 28 November 2014


Go and explore

Explore the world

Opportunities lie on your pathway as you go through life.

Listen keenly with every interest beaming from your countenance in any conversation!

And when you get hold of the idea, allow the picture to form fully. You may be
startled, but don't say or think you are too small to do it.

Paint the picture and hang it dangling on your neck.

Let the world see it!

Discover that hidden talent you have and step up your game. Be your very best..

These three Powerful words, Dream, Discover And Explore...

You Dream to Discover and Explore all the God-given talent..

Friday 14 November 2014


This is a very inspiring Video, just thought of sharing it. Happy Viewing

Thursday 13 November 2014


Celebration Is An Act Of Marking A Very Important Occasion In One's Life.

As Humans, The Tendency To Celebrate Oneself Might Be A Little Tasking, As Some Feels They Are Not Worth Celebrated, Considering The Happenings Around Them; But The Truth Is That If You Don't Celebrate Yourself As A Person, I Wonder Who Else You Want To Celebrate You. As The Saying Goes "Charity Begins At Home", I Want To State Categorically That "Celebration Should Begin With You".

Never Get Mad At Yourself Because You Have Not Attained That Height You Have Always Imagined And Dreamed Of. Rather, Keep Doing Your Best, Be Creative And Highly Focused. Celebrate Yourself.

Never Be Frustrated When Things Aren't Working Out As Planned, Instead, Remain Focused, As The Sky Is Your Starting Point And Never Your Destination.

Stay Focused. Be The Best You Can Be. Allow God To Have His Way In Your Life. Learn To Celebrate Your Success, Your Advancement in Life. Celebrate You.

Be The Most And Best Of Yourself, As This Is The What You Can Present To The Whole World.

Celebrate Your Greatness, Celebrate Your Impact, Celebrate Your Victory And Celebrate You.

Thursday 6 November 2014


The Good Life is a Life constituted by Love And guided by Knowledge. One's life is as a result of the choices he made in the past, hence, if you want the best life, change the way you do things, thus improve on your present and future respectively.

The Urge to Dream, the courage to Act and the optimism to WIN makes life Meaningful, Create the Good life you desire and live it to the full.

Create a Life that feels good on the INSIDE, not just a life that feels perfect on the OUTSIDE.

The Good Life is when you are Lovely on the INSIDE and OUTSIDE respectively.

Sow the Right Words, Think the Good Thought; that is what makes life interesting and sweet.

The Good life is a Process, not a state of mind, It is a Process, never a Destination.

Make the best out of Life; Be the very Best you can be.