
Thursday 26 June 2014


Time Management is a very essential factor as we journey through life in our daily affairs.

Time management is the act of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities in order to enhance productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.

Time utilization is one's ability to create set goals and target despite our tight schedules on a day-to -day basis in order to achieve success. Your plan is nothing without managing your time properly.

An effective time management starts with a clear vision and goal.

Time management is achievable if you do the right thing and place the most important as your priority and ensure you achieve all your set goals on daily basis.

Below are some ways to enhance and manage your time:

                                                 CREATE A TO-DO-LIST

Try getting a reminder system that will keep you abreast as to what should be done with designated time. This will help enhance your time.

                                               BENEFITS OF A TO-DO-LIST

A To-do-list helps focus your mind on very important objectives.

It helps in ordering your thought-pattern, re-strategize you for a better tomorrow.

It will be very difficult to forget your to-do-list, having put them down.

A to-do-list saves you a lot of stress, energy and time.

You are in charge when you have a to-do-list

You always get yourself busy; no dull moment with a to-do-list

You are always on track because you have a record of your day-to-day activities

You can always look at your list from time to time; hence you don't need to hold everything in your head

It enables you to place your priorities right.

                                 FOCUS ON YOUR MOST EFFECTIVE TIME OF THE DAY

In this scenario, some folks have a better time assimilating things at night, while some prefer early in the morning. You must know your most productive time of the day, and work tirelessly with that time for more productivity.

The idea is to figure out when you are most productive and then use that period maximally, paying most attention to it in order to yield massive result.

Depending on where your area of expertise lies, people have different time and things they would love to accomplish giving a set target. For instance.

A student would like to use her most productive hours to study, do his/her assignment and get set for the next class.

In the same vein, a writer would use his most productive time of the day to write and edit as much as possible, while other things can come into play in his less productive time.





  1. Nice one. I like it

  2. Fantastic girl

  3. Sunshine George27 June 2014 at 08:45

    Time management is indeed a super interesting tool for creativity. Thanks for sharing
