
Monday, 18 August 2014


I have come to realize that it takes the effort of YOU as a person to admire and encourage yourself like no one else would.

The truth is that if you keep waiting for, or expecting others to appreciate you, you might be embarking on a journey without end cos it might never happen, except in few cases.

For you to be very happy and successful in all you do, there is a need for self - appraisal and encouragement.

We all have amazing and unique talents that distinguishes us one from another, learn to appreciate yourself in that light.

Try to enumerate and understand all your positive attributes and qualities., have confidence in all your intended choices and all you have made, and always be bold to express how you feel.

Moreover, you must encourage yourself by loving yourself. Be your number one fan, when you do so, you will have a good number of fans in return.

Always have this at the back of your mind; that you have a whole lot to offer to your world, be confident and always speak positive words.

Appreciate Life! Appreciate your effort. Be the very best you can be.

The Sky is your starting point. You have so much on your inside.

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  1. Fantastic write up

  2. wow. I choose to admire myself o. thanks for the word
